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Helpful Reading and Resources

Books and resources you may find helpful. This is not a complete list and different books will suit different people.

For Adults
• The Orphaned Adult: Understanding and coping with grief and change after the death of our parents. Alexander Levy (2000)
• A Grief Observed. CS Lewis (2015)
• It’s OK to laugh (crying is cool too). Nora McInerny Purmot(2016)
• It’s OK that you’re not OK: Meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn’t understand. Megan Devine (2017)
• Grief Works: Stories of Life, Death & Surviving. Julia Samuel (2017)
• Thinking Out Loud; Love, Grief and being Mum and Dad. Rio Ferdinand (2017)
• Sisters & Brothers: Stories about the death of a sibling. Julie Bentley & Simon Anthony Blake (2020)
• Tell me the truth about loss. Niamh Fitzpatrick (2020)
• The Plain Guide to Grief. John Wilson (2020)
• Surviving the Early Loss of a Mother: Daughters Speak.   Anne Tracey (2008)
• Stillbirth and Miscarriage, A Life-Changing Loss  ‘Say my baby’s name’   Anne Tracey (2022)


For Teens & Young Adults
• When a friend dies: A book for teens about grieving & healing. Marilyn E. Gootman (2005)
• Out of the blue: Making memories last when someone has died. Winston’s Wish (2006)
• Still Here with Me: Teenagers and Children on Losing a Parent. Suzanne Sjogvist (2006)
• Sometimes Life Sucks: When Someone You Love Dies. Molly Carlisle (2011)
• We Get It. Heather L. Servaty-Seib & David C. Fajgenbaum. (2015)
• A Teenage Guide to coping when Someone dies. Child Bereavement UK (2019)

For Children
• Badger’s Parting Gifts. Susan Varley (1987). 35th Anniversary Edition of multi-award-winning picture book.
• Muddles, puddles and sunshine. Diane Crossley (2001)
• A Child’s Grief: Supporting a Child When Someone in Their Family Has Died. Di Stubbs (2009)
• What does dead mean?: A book for young children to help explain death and dying. Caroline Jay and Jenni Thomas (2012)
• The Memory Tree. Britta Teckentrup (2014)
• The coat I wear. Mel Maxwell (2014)
• The Goodbye Book. Todd Parr (2016)
• Cry heart but never break. Glenn Ringtved (2016)
• The Invisible String. Patrice Karst (2018)


For People with a Learning Disability
• How to break Bad News to People with Intellectual Disabilities. Irene Truffrey-Wijne (2013)


Religious books about grief

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