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Talking to children who are bereaved | NHS Education for Scotland

  Talking to children when they are about to be bereaved...

Puddle Jumping | Child Bereavement UK

  Puddle Jumping: how children can seem to move in and...


Childline is a service provided by NSPCC Help if you’re a...

Inspire Workplace

Mental health and wellbeing support hub. Inspire HelplineĀ  0808 800 0002...

The Grief Channel

Normalizing conversations around grief, death and dying. The Grief Channel –...

The Silver Line

Helpline for older people. Call: 0800 4 70 80 90

Dealing with Grief and Loss

Coping with Grief Grief is a normal process that we all...

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline

Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people who have been...

Young Person Advice on How he Coped with Losing his Dad | Hope Again

  Caolan, from the Hope Again team, talked about how difficult...

My Sister Died – Leslie’s Story | Hope Again

  Leslie’s, a volunteer at Kates Club, talks about losing her...

Volunteers Deal With Grief | Hope Again

Corrymeela Volunteers help with the Get together Project. These Volunteers work...

How to Help a Friend Through Grief | Hope Again

Ashleigh talks about her own grief journey, what helped her and...